Monday, August 26, 2013

Week Two

It must have been Monday today because everything seemed a little "off" today. Today my confidence was no where to be found and I caught myself being anxious while trying to get through lessons. I think what made today so rough was "working" on through the weekend with no real break. I started homeschooling as soon as our books came without any prep as well. So, you guessed it, I had the overwhelming feeling of not getting things done that I needed to.

It was just one of those days that I knew was bound to happen. I have prepared myself to expect hard days and I also expected days where I just don't feel confident enough to do this. Here is the good news though, instead of dwelling on the horrible feelings I could feel brewing in me all day, I chose to remember that I didn't need to be a perfect teacher or mom or wife right at this moment and I knew better days are coming. I remembered why I felt the calling for this position and not every mom can be super mom ALL the time! (Even though some of you put on a good front!)

I also decided that a few things I could go without doing today. Like the dishes... Thank you Lord for paper products!! Haha... But seriously, I focused on the important things like school work and one important goal I wanted to reach this week: gym time!

I bought a family fitness book along with our curriculum and have been gathering ideas to start some training this week. I made a fitness chart and we are tracking our progress as a family.We just started with a few basics like sit-ups and push-ups. Tonight we were finally able to put it into action and the whole family participated! It was so much fun! And kind of hard. And reminded me I am not so young and fit anymore. I am really excited to see where we improve over the next year and to see what all my littles learn.  It was great to be able to show the kids how to do basic fitness but it was also fun for the whole family! It was especially funny to everyone when my youngest decided I needed more resistance when he jumped on my back during superman's! (Good thing he is cute!)

After all the structured "gym class" time was over, my hubby took the kiddos out in the yard for some soccer time! We kicked the ball around in a circle and practiced big kicks! He also made them run races around the back yard (which tuckered me out!) We ended the night on the trampoline (as most nights end) and the kids decided mommy had "Ogre" feet because mine were the only feet without shoes on them and they were horribly dirty! Hahaha!

Bad day turned great night! : )

P.S. My legs are killing me = Success!!

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